Version 4.47 [en]-20011225 - Dream Navigator
now playing x of y
song title here
music player by: ibroughtyoumybullets.neocities.org

My Windows 98 style is a modified version of Jordan Scales' 98.css, at thatjdanisso.cool, from this Github project.

Music player by: ibroughtyoumybullets.neocities.org and heavily edited by me to integrate into my DreamNav.

Twinkling stars and clouds code by: https://codepen.io/WebSonick

A guide to orbital Z-index transformations by Will at Codersblock. https://codersblock.com/blog/making-orbit-animations-with-css-custom-properties/

Petrapixel's guides to webpack and 11ty helped me get started


https://aleclownes.com/2017/02/01/crt-display.html I modified the code from this guide helped me make a CSS only CRT effect.

The DreamNav is inspired by Netscape.

Credit to NASA for the pictures of the Moon, Titan, Venus and the Earth that I used to make the planet and orbiting moons.

https://doodad.dev/dither-me-this/ Thanks to Dither Me This for helping me create an authentic look, reduce size, and control the dithering algorithm used to do it.

Thanks to the webarchive for allowing me to embed videos, that's a crazy cool feature.

Credit to Takanori Arisawa, the late composer of the Sailor Moon soundtrack who is featured all over this website, and was of absolutely immeasurable talent and character: rest in peace.

Thank you to the Kubuntu team, who created the look and style of Konsole which the terminals on this website take great inspiration from.

Fuck you to Bill Gates who is a sack of shit.

Thanks to https://hbaguette.neocities.org/#misc-bannerlink for the bannerlink ad.

Thank you to kyle drake for both archiving geocities and creating neocities. I came here through the restoration effort and it's been nothing but good times since! Thank you!

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CPU Usage: 14%

@ - Cartoon Network Midnight Run - 6.12.2001